Online terminal - PZMPay

Online terminal

Our solution to accept payments in Russia and comply with FZ-54.

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POS Terminal

Our solution to comply with FZ-54. You don't need to set up a terminal, sign an agreements with OFD, and control the terminal status and uptime. Start accepting payments and print receipts just in one click.


Own terminal

Setup your own terminal to work with our payment system for a better flexibility. We work with the following terminal providers: Atol, Kit online, ModuleKassa.


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Find out which approach suits your business the most.

Own terminal
Our terminals are free to use
You need to purchase/rent a terminal
Fiscal Drive
Our FNs are set up with terminals, and are free
To operate a terminal, it's necessary to purchase a FN
We take care of all agreements with OFD
OFD agreement must be signed to send receipts to the Tax authorities
Tax registration
Our terminals are already registered in Tax system
Terminal must be connected to the Tax system
Our system has multiple terminals in it, and constantly monitors them for failures
Terminal might fail and you need to handle it by yourself
PZMKassa can be used only for payments processed through PZMPay
Regular terminal can be connected to a variety of payment processing systems, not only to PZMPay.

There's no "ultimate cure" available. Every business is unique, so are its requirements. If one business needs a PZMTerminal, it doesn't mean that the cloud terminal would suit the other the same way. We strongly advice considering every factor when deciding how to comply with FZ-54 of Russia.